Grace is a character of God. Just as love, grace can be used as a way to describe God. Grace is one thing but it has many definitions so a definition that really describes grace is: 'God's unmerited gift'
As I was doing a research I found some defenitions that really caught my eyes;
- Grace is the love of God for the unloved.
- Grace is God reaching out to those who sin against Him.
- Grace is an unconditional love for he who doesn't deserve it.
- Grace is a free gift from God.
- Grace is a choise of God.
- My defenition: Grace is God caring for us and giving us when we don't deserve it.
We are going to look at grace in the old testament and in the new testament
Grace in the old testament.
In the old testament grace is translated from the greek word 'chased' wich means love, favour, kindness, forgiving and conservation. You can really see God's grace in His acceptance of blood offers to forgive His people. It wasn't the blood that forgave the Israelites, it was God's choice to forgive those who put their trust on Him. Hebrews 10: 4 For the blood of buls and goats can never take away sins .
Grace in the new testament.
In the new testament grace is translated from the greek word 'charis' wich means provision and salvation. Out of grace God paid our debt on the cross. He did it for free without asking something back. Out of grace God looked at Jesus in condemnation instead of at us and he saw us as right before His eyes. Christ is God's grace and you can only have grace if you have Christ. God provided Christ when we didn't deserve it.
Grace is really important in the christian life. It is one of the bases for our motivations and strength. To understand grace you have to understand God and Jesus 2 Peter 1:2 May grace and peace be yours in full measure through your knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. When we understand how gracious God is we will fall in love with him and the desire to serve Him will grow.
Nothing you can do can change God.s grace . You can't deserve it but you also can't undeserve it Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by God's grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God's gift, so that no one can boast about it.
God's grace is there for believers and for unbelievers. for believers it is demonstrated in Christ our savior and redeemer Roman 3: 22-24 God put's people right through their faith in Jesus Christ. God does this to all who believe in Christ, because there is no difference at all; everyone has sinned and is fa away from God's saving precense. But by the free gift of God's grace all are put right with Him through Christ Jesus, who sets theme free. And for unbelievers God's grace is demonstrated in His provisions for the earth Matthew 5:45 So that you may become the chhildren of your Father in heaven. For them he makes His sun to shine on bad and good people alike, and he gives rain to those who do good and those who do evil.
Here are some things we get through grace:
- Grace gives life through Christ Romans 5:17 it is true that through the sin of one man death began to rule because of that one man. But how much greater is the result of what was done by one man Jesus Christ. all who receive God's abundant grace and are freely put right with Him will rule in life through Christ.
- Grace gives us strength for life 2 Timothy 2:1 As for you son, be strong through the grace that is ours in union of Christ Jesus. Hebrews 13:9 Do net lett al kinds of strange teachings lead you from the right way. It is good to receive inner strength from God's grace, and not by obeying rules about foods those wgo obey these rules have not be helped by them.
- Grace gives us answers for difficulties Hebrews 4 :16 Let us have confidence the, and approach God's throne, where there is grace. there we will receive mercy and find grace to help us just when we need it.
- grace gives our hope for eternal life Romans 5:21 So then just as sin ruled by means of death, so also God's grace rules by means of righteousness, leading us to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Grace is who God is. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. To receive His grace you have to receive Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Do you want to make a choise and receive God's grace. Let's pray together to accept Jesus Christ.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I need you. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and i accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Thank you for forgiving my sins and for the eternal life. Take the direction of my life and make me the person yoiu want me to be.
First of all, welkom to the family. Now that you have received Christ you are righteous in His eyes Roman 3:22 And you will receive God's grace through Christ Ephesians 4:7
As you understand God you will understand grace, it will change your desires and your heart into pleasing Him. the Gospel is about God's grace through Christ. Know that God's grace is available for you and that he has already planned His grace for you
Ephesians 1:5-6
Let God be glorified!
By, Neftali
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