

In the daily life we have our own will and the will of God. The main difference between the two wills is that our will wants to please ourself wich can result in the destruction of others and the will of God is for us to help other people wich often result in the restoration of people and the growing of our faith. When we accept Christ and surrender ourself to God we must follow His will, to follow His will you have to listen to Him and you have to obey Him. 

Obedience in the normal dictionary means: ' To submit your own will to the will of someone else and act according that will.'
Obedience in the biblical way means: 'To submit your own will to the will of God and to act according God's will.'

In normal life it is hard to submit your will to the will of someone else, unfortunately it is the same with the Lord Romans 8:7 (NIV) The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 

There are a few things you can do that will help you to obey the Lord:

1. You have to accept Christ:

Because of Christ we can get a relationship with God and you need some kind of relationship with someone before you can truly obey them. Jesus is God so by loving Jesus and doing what He asks you to do you are obeying God 

John 14:23(NIV) Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

2. You have to get to know God's will:  
It is hard to obey someone if you don't know what he wants from you. The main way you can get to know God's will is through the word. It is something I truly love to do. The word is like God's thoughts, it has everything we need. It has the answers and of course God's will in it. An exapmle is Micah 6:8(NIV) He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God. Here you can see clearly what the Lord wants of us. It is really important for a christian to read the word of God (Joshua 1:8, psalm 119:105).  A second way is to pray, God often answers through prayer by a thought of an feeling. 

3. You have to trust God: 

Before you can obey someone you have to trust them, to be sure that what he or she is saying is the best for you. You need faith in that person. It is the same with the Lord. You have to trust Him and have faith in Him that His plan is the best for you. (proverbs 3:5). As you obey Him your trust in Him will grow because you will see the amazing results. 

4. You have to surrender yourself to God:

This is where you truly start to obey. To surrender means to let go of your own plan and to follow God's plan . To do this you need obedience because some things God ask will be out of your comfort zone or will just sounds silly to you.

Obedience is something that God expects from us , it pleases Him 1 Samuel 15:22 (NIV)  But Samuel replied: “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifice as much as in obeying the Lord?To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. and there are many blessings that follow. Obedience is a hard thing to do and it won't be perfect in one day. Often we will fail but God is  a loving and forgiving God and if you ask Him He wil help you because it is something we need to grow in. 


Dear Father, sometimes it is really hard to obey you, even if we know that your plan is the best we can still be anxious. That's why we come to ask you to help us to trust you and to obey you . To surrender ourself more to you and to follow your perfect path. Fill us with your spirit that he may guide us. Thank you because you always listen to us. 


By, Neftali 

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